Since 1992 Utility System Efficiencies, Inc. (USE) has been serving a variety of power industry clients and enhancing their internal transmission and system analytical capabilities. USE has worked for all sectors of the electric power industry and has a thorough understanding of the transmission issues and concerns of investor and publicly owned utilities, independent power producers and regulators. USE staff consists of electrical engineers and utility professionals with extensive experience in power systems analysis and related power industry issues.

Click here to read more about USE Consulting.


USE is well versed in all three of the computer programs commonly used in the industry – GE, PTI and PowerWorld. USE staff consists exclusively of electrical engineers with extensive experience in power systems analysis and related power industry issues.



Specific compliance services that USE’s team of industry experts provide include:

  • Gap Analysis
  • Preparatory Audits
  • Compliance Program Development
  • Documentation Assessment



GIS technology provides USE with the capabilities to perform transmission routing studies which allows USE to review the following publicly available information to assess the existing conditions within many areas of interest.